We are a community of goal oriented people, combining excellent service delivery with experience to create and deliver value in the areas of general merchandising – logistics, automotive trading and export services – to our customers.

Our Directors

Adeniyi Boshoro


Adeniyi Boshoro is an expert in financial services, logistics, oil and gas and real estate management with 20 years of experience in helping organisations deliver value across sub-Saharan Africa. A graduate of Accounting from Ogun state university, a banker with career spanning several top Nigerian banks he chose the entrepreneurial journey to become a major dealer in Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) with OANDO PLC in 2012 with Consumer Distribution Networks and Services Limited.

Moving the business to New Brunswick in Canada, Bosh Consumer Distribution Networks Limited was created with the aim to seamlessly integrate into the Canadian business climate based on the experience and business acumen driven by his passion for creating value over the years. Adeniyi is a member of the project management institute, holds a diploma in supply chain management from the University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom and a certificate in Global Business from Harvard Business School, Boston USA.

Adeniyi Boshoro
Oluwatobi Boshoro

Oluwatobi Boshoro


Oluwatobi Boshoro is an innovative and transformational leader with broad-based expertise in business growth strategy, digital payments/strategy, marketing, brand management and business development with over 20 years of experience. Between 2008 and 2019, Oluwatobi held senior positions at Interswitch Group, including Group Head of Issuer Management; she headed Stanbic IBTC’s Electronic Banking and Digital Strategy units, and subsequently, CEO of RenMoney.

Oluwatobi’s has a BSc in Economics from Ogun State University; a Masters’ degree in Strategic Marketing from Cranfield School of Management, England. She has attended the Harvard Business School General Management Program (GMP) where she completed the Executive Education Program in 2013 and the Executive Management Program for Women on Boards in 2016. She is a member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) and The Market Research Society (MRS), both in the U.K.

Get Started with Bosh Consumer Networks

Your dependable Logistics, General Exports and Automotive Trading Partner. Get in touch with us.